[R] How do I get the parameters out of e1071's svm?

Martin C. Martin martin at martincmartin.com
Wed Apr 9 20:28:26 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I'm trying to get a simple, linear decision surface from e1071's svm. 
I've run it like this:

svm(as.factor(slow) ~ SLICE.3 + PSGR.7 + SOLUTIONS.6 + DR.10, y, 
kernel='linear', cost=1e6, class.weights=c('FALSE'=1, 'TRUE'=10))

According to the docs, kernel='linear' has a kernel u'v.  Since I have 4 
independent variables, I'd expect to have four coefficients plus a 
threshold, with 4 total degrees of freedom.  But the only numeric 
vectors of length 4 in the result are the scaling and center, and those 
are done before the fitting so each one has zero mean and unit variance.

I know svms don't need to put every point through the kernel function, 
and can even handle infinite dimensional kernels.  But don't they need 
to compute the coefficients?


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