[R] 3d barplot in rgl

Chris Stubben stubben at lanl.gov
Wed Sep 26 18:28:56 CEST 2007

>    Transition matrices are Markov transition matrices among different
> life stages of organisms -- in the simplest case (Leslie matrices,


Thanks for your clear explanation and plot examples.  I like the dotplots alot
and added a few modifications below. Since I often compare rows and columns as
well as groups of elements representing growth (lower left trianlge), stasis
(diagonal), fertility etc., I like to preserve the matrix structure in the plot
if possible.

> library(popbio)
> example(teasel)   ## shows 2 plots -- heatmap and stair-step
> A <- tea$sensitivities ##
> z <- as.data.frame.table(A)

#switch labels here- stage at time t in columns and fate at time t+1 in rows
names(z) <- c("To","From","Sensitivity")

# reverse order on rows to match matrix
z$To <- ordered(z$To, levels = rev(levels(z$To)))

dotplot(To~Sensitivity|From, data=z,
scales=list(alternating=c(1,0), tck=c(1,0)), layout=c(6,1), aspect=2)

# or log-scale 
dotplot(To~Sensitivity|From,data=z,scales=list(x=list(log=TRUE)), as.table=TRUE)

Thanks again,


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