[R] Survival model (time to event data)

Daniel Malter daniel at umd.edu
Sat Sep 15 02:24:20 CEST 2007

High all, I would appreciate input about how the following survival model
can be modeled in R and how competing risk models can generally be modeled.
Also I would appreciate hints about resources that you are aware of that
explain the use of survival models in R in greater detail. 

The data structure of my data is plotted below. My problem is that I don't
know how to model 4 different events in the same hazard model for which the
hazards are conditional on some other factor.


0. All events are mutually exclusive
1. Either no event, Event1, or one of the Events 2-4 occurs (i.e. events 2-4
are competing)
2. Event1 can only occur if St.Beg=0 (it switches St.End from this period
and St.Beg from the following periods on to 1 until Event4 occurs).
3. Event2-4 can only occur if St.Beg=1

Time	St.Beg	St.End	Event1	Event2	Event3	Event4	Number
1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
2	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
3	0	1	1	0	0	0	0
4	1	1	0	0	0	0	10
5	1	1	0	1	0	0	10
6	1	1	0	1	0	0	15
7	1	1	0	0	0	0	20
8	1	1	0	0	0	0	20
9	1	1	0	0	1	0	10
10	1	0	0	0	0	1	0

Thanks much for your help,

cuncta stricte discussurus

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