[R] writing complex outputs to table

Steve Powers smpowers at wisc.edu
Sun Sep 9 02:39:47 CEST 2007

So I've come across a few cases where complex outputs from functions 
will not write to tables. The most recent case involves the TukeyHSD 
function in the stats package. If I save the TukeyHSD call and print it, 
that obviously goes fine, but when I try writing to a table, I get an 
error message that says "cannot coerce class \multicomp\" into 
dataframe. What does this mean, and how do I work around it? Is there a 
more "fail-safe" general method of writing complex outputs to a table? 
The story here is I want to be able to call certain values from the 
TukeyHSD results to produce custom summaries.

Using R version 2.4 on Windows XP.---steve

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