[R] Boxplots illustrating the fixed effects in a lme object

CG Pettersson cg.pettersson at vpe.slu.se
Fri Nov 30 16:09:20 CET 2007

Hello all,

I posted a similar question recently but I suspect that it was not well
enough formulated to trigger any answers. So I try again:

Is there a way to produce boxplots (or something similar) that uses the
estimated fixed effects of an lme{nlme} object? When I want to know the
mean, I use estimable{gmodels} together with an appropriate matrix. I did
look for a similar tool to estimable in gplots but did not find any.

As nearly everything is possible to do in R, the reason I did not get any
respons ought to be that the question is too trivial. So, please give me a
hint of how to proceed.


CG Pettersson, Ph.D.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Dept. of Crop Production Ecology. Box 7043.
SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
cg.pettersson at vpe.slu.se

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