[R] Clustering

Dave Roberts droberts at montana.edu
Wed Nov 28 18:17:54 CET 2007


     The method= argument is in reference to how clusters are 
constructed, not how the dissimilarity or distance is calculated.  If 
you pass agnes diss=TRUE then it will use the distances you have 
calculated by whatever means.  method="complete" means that clusters are 
evaluated by the maximum distance of a candidate sample to the set of 
samples in the cluster, rather than the average.  Yo can find 
descriptions of these algorithms in most any text on clustering.

Dave Roberts

Eleni Christodoulou wrote:
> Hello all!
> I am performingsome clustering analysis on microarray data using
> agnes{cluster} and I have created my own dissimilarity matrix according to a
> distance measure different from "euclidean" or "manhattan" etc. My question
> is,  if I choose for example method="complete", how are the distances
> between the elements calculated? Are they taken form the dissimilarity
> matrix I have provided as the first argument?
> clust.complete.agnes<-agnes(as.dist(D),diss="TRUE",method="complete")
> Thank you very much,
> Eleni
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