[R] Communicating from one function to another

Alberto Monteiro albmont at centroin.com.br
Mon Nov 26 19:25:29 CET 2007

Thomas L Jones wrote:
> My question is a seemingly simple one. I have a bunch of user-
> defined functions which compute such-and-such objects. I want to be 
> able to define a variable in a particular function, then make use of 
> it later, perhaps in a different function, without necessarily 
> having to move it around in argument lists. In the C community, it 
> would be called a "global" variable.
Global variables in R are used with <<- instead of <-.

For example:

x <- 1
y <- 1

f <- function() {
   x <- 2
   y <<- 2


will turn y to 2 but will not change x.

Alberto Monteiro

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