[R] Dot plots in R

Adrian Dusa dusa.adrian at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 14:25:43 CET 2007

On Saturday 24 November 2007, Paul Smith wrote:
> Dear All,
> Can R produce dot plots like the one of the following picture:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Dotplot_of_random_values.png
> ?
> I have tried dotchart, but no success.

I'm coming late to this thread, but I believe what Paul wants is better suited 
by the DOTplot() function from the UsingR package: it looks exactly the same 
as the web image and it has no axes, as Paul wants in a later message.

x <- sample(1:10, 30, replace=T)


Adrian Dusa
Romanian Social Data Archive
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