[R] Using windows() and jpeg()
Duncan Murdoch
murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Mon Nov 19 23:40:20 CET 2007
On 19/11/2007 5:06 PM, Irina Burmenko wrote:
> Thank you very much for your help, Duncan.
> I do have another question, unrelated to the first one. I need to plot points on the graph, but I want points to be letters instead of symbols. Ideally, I would like to have circles with letters 'Rx' inside, for example. Is that possible? If not, is there a way to simply have Rx as a symbol without the circle? When I tried to do that, only the first letter 'R' gets displayed. Same thing with the legend. Here is the sample code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> x<-c(1:7)
> y1 <- c(20,NA,NA,20,20,NA,20)
> y2 <- c(40,40,NA,NA,40,40,NA)
> y3 <- c(NA,60,60,NA,NA,60,60)
> y4 <- c(80,NA,NA,80,80,NA,80)
> windows(width=6.25, height = 3.75)
> par(pin=c(3.5,1.5),bty="l")
> par(mar=c(2.5,4.1,2.2,10.5))
> plot(x,y4,type="n",xlim=c(1,7),ylim=c(0,100),xlab="",xaxt="n")
> axis(1, at=1:7, labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2)
> mtext("Week of",side=1, cex = 0.8,line=1.0)
> points(x,y1,pch="HV",bg="blue",col="blue",cex=0.5)
> points(x,y2,pch="ER",bg="orange",col="orange",cex=0.5)
> points(x,y3,pch="Rx",bg="red",col="red",cex=0.5)
> points(x,y4,pch="Sx",bg="green",col="green",cex=0.5)
> par(xpd=TRUE)
> legend(8,40, c("hospital visit", "ER visit","medication change",
> "symptoms reported"), col = c("blue","orange","red","green"), text.col= "black",
> lty = c(-1, -1, -1,-1), pch = c("H","E","R","S"), bty="n",cex=0.85)
To get multiple letters plotted, use the text() function rather than
points(). For example,
Duncan Murdoch
> Irina
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch at stats.uwo.ca>
> To: Irina Burmenko <iburmen at yahoo.com>
> Cc: r-help at r-project.org
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 4:54:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [R] Using windows() and jpeg()
> On 19/11/2007 3:09 PM, Irina Burmenko wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have the following question, which I haven't been able to resolve after days of trying. I used to save my plots as jpegs using the savePlot command. However, that seems to result in lost resolution. So now I'm trying to use the jpeg( ) function, but am having trouble because it seems to be incompatible with the windows (width=, height=) command. It's important for me to be able to specify the window size as well as other parameters. Here is the sample code:
>> jpeg(filename="myplot.jpg",quality=100)
>> windows(width=6.25, height = 3.75)
> The jpeg() command should *replace* the windows() command. They both
> open new graphics devices. One problem you'll have is that jpeg takes
> dimensions in pixels by default; if you want to express it in inches,
> you need to say so, and also say what resolution you're assuming. For
> example,
> jpeg(filename="myplot.jpg",quality=100,width=6.25, height = 3.75,
> units="in",res=96)
> for 96 dpi resolution.
> Duncan Murdoch
>> par(pin=c(3.5,1.5),bty="l")
>> par(mar=c(2.5,4.1,2.2,10.5))
>> x<-c(1,2,3)
>> y<-c(4,5,6)
>> plot(x,y,"b")
>> dev.off()
>> Using these commands results in an empty plot being saved. However, skipping lines 2-4 saves the graph, but, of course, without the formatting, which is important to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Irina
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