[R] R 2.6.0 & RMySQL

Joachim Claudet joachim.claudet at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 10:11:47 CET 2007

Dear all --

I was facing some problems with the last versions of R and RMySQL.
Someone saw my post on another forum and answered me. And now... it works!
Here is the message:
" I was having the same problem (well, except for the French part) and I 
solved it like this:
Download the windows MySQL 5.0 release here:
( Click “ No thanks, just take me to the downloads! ” and pick a mirror . )
Then unzip the file and go into the bin folder and grab libmysql.dll . 
Put this in your R-2.6.0\bin directory. Then restart R and the problem 
should be solved."

Prof Brian Ripley a écrit :
> I don't understand why you are trying to install a 2.5.x binary on R 
> 2.6.0. Perhaps if you tried not to make things so hard for yourself 
> and just used the Packages menu to install RMySQL this might work: it 
> does for me and quite a few others.
> Otherwise, you do need libMySQL.dll on the path or copied to the same 
> directory as RMySQL.dll to be sure that is not the issue. I suspect it 
> is rather an R version mismatch.
> On Mon, 12 Nov 2007, Joachim Claudet wrote:
>> Dear list members --
>> I have problems in loading the pre-compiled library RMySQL_0.5-7 taken
>> here (http://stat.bell-labs.com/RS-DBI/download/index.html) or
>> RMySQL_0.6-0 taken here
>> (http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin/bin/windows/contrib/2.5/) on R 2.6.0
>> under Windows XP. I am using the MySQL features of EasyPHP1-8 (but the
>> problem is not (for the moment) in connecting with a database but just
>> in loading the package)
>> I have seen all the previous posts explaining to copy the libMySQL.dll &
>> RMySQL.dll of the RMySQL library in the Windows/System32 folder or to
>> change the path variable in the Environment Variables of the system but
>> nothing helps.
> I do wish people would not write things like that. Give URLs of what 
> you have read, since
> - very often it is not 'all'.
> - sometimes it is misread.
> - some of the self-appointed experts are founts of misinformation (as
> apparently here), so we need to know the credentials.
>> I still have the following message (I am sorry but, unfortunately, it is
>> in French; with my translation):
> You can always start R in English (see the rw-FAQ) to quote English 
> messages. I would have expected there to be a message box as well (at 
> least under XP) saying what the missing procedure was (and that would 
> be in French, no doubt).
>> Error in dyn.load(file, ...) :
>> impossible de charger la bibliothèque partagée (="impossible to charge
>> the shared library")
>> 'C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-26~1.0/library/RMySQL/libs/RMySQL.dll':
>> LoadLibrary failure: La procédure spécifiée est introuvable (="the
>> specified procedure cannot be found").
>> Erreur : le chargement du package / espace de noms a échoué pour
>> 'RMySQL' (="loading package/space of names failed for")
>> I have just changed my computer and was previously on R 2.4, where I did
>> not have any problems in installing and loading pre-compiled versions
>> RMySQL.
>> Any help will be welcome.
>> - Joachim Claudet

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Joachim Claudet - PhD
Skype: joachim.claudet
Laboratory of Zoology and Marine Biology
Department of Biological and Environmental Science and Technologies
University of Salento - via Monteroni 73100 Lecce, Italy
Phone: +39 0832 298853
Fax: +39 0832 298626
Email: joachim.claudet at gmail.com
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