[R] label plotting on nmds diagram

Antonio Olinto aolinto_r at bignet.com.br
Wed Nov 14 15:22:52 CET 2007


I'm using nmds command (library vegan) to analyze some fishing data.

I'd like to plot not only points, but also the names of species and stations in
a specified position.

I used the command
text(nmds$points[,1], nmds $points[,2],labels=row.names(nmds

But the labels are sometimes overlapped.

Is there any way to use identify, or a similar command, to plot the row names in
a given position? Identify would be perfect but it indicates the row number and
I'd like to have the row name given in nmds$points.

Many thanks,

Antonio Olinto
Sao Paulo Fisheries Institute

BCMG Internet Webmail

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