[R] connection diagram

Manal Helal manalorama at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 05:44:14 CET 2007

Hi  elijah

Thank you again very much, the case I am having is simple data like
the following:

Node	totalOutgoing	link1	link2
1	2	2	3
2	2	4	5
3	2	5	6
4	2	7	8
5	2	8	9
6	2	9	10
7	1	11	0
8	2	11	12
9	2	12	13
10	1	13	0
11	1	14	0
12	2	14	15
13	1	15	0
14	1	16	0
15	1	16	0
16	0	0	0

that's for 2D (the actual multidimensional index of the node is a
vector of 2 indices) as follows:

Node	totalOutgoing	link1	link2
<0, 0>	2	<4, 4>	<2, 0>
<4, 4>	2	<2, 2>	<0, 4>
<2, 0>	2	<0, 4>	<4, 0>
<2, 2>	2	<2, 4>	<4, 2>
<0, 4>	2	<4, 2>	<0, 6>
<4, 0>	2	<0, 6>	<6, 0>
<2, 4>	1	<4, 4>	
<4, 2>	2	<4, 4>	<2, 6>
<0, 6>	2	<2, 6>	<6, 2>
<6, 0>	1	<6, 2>	
<4, 4>	1	<4, 6>	
<2, 6>	2	<4, 6>	<6, 4>
<6, 2>	1	<6, 4>	
<4, 6>	1	<6, 6>	
<6, 4>	1	<6, 6>	
<6, 6>	0		

I have similar Data for 3D, and 4D, (where the above 2D node
multidimensional index, will grow to become 3 elements vector, and
later 4 elements vector), there are other data that identifies this
mapping like wave index and partition order where this node resides vs
the nodes it links to, (all data are available and exact, nothing is

the ultimate objective is to find an equation (deduced from this data)
that when fed with a dimension, wave No, partition order, node index,
it will say how many outgoing links it has, and to which node indices
(which will identify the related waves and partitions where these
links reside). The symmetry in the data confirms the existence of such
a relationship, but I come from software engineering background, and
took only one course in statistics ages ago, and from fast search
online, I see that these are basic information for a statistician, and
can be solved in a blink

The nodes are distributed in partitions, in waves, waves starts and
ends with only one partition, and based on the dimension, grow to have
more partition in the middle waves, till the exact middle waves, and
then start to have less partitions till the only one in the last wave.

the number of links in any node is maximum equals the dimension
number, and becomes less as we go down the waves till it becomes only
1 in the wave before the last, then zero in the last wave, in the last
partition, in the middle waves, the edge partitions (the first and the
last ones) start to have less links, and in the middle it becomes
more, this description is common in the 2D, 3D, 4D available data, and
looks like if I generate more data, they will all follow the same
rules as the basic definition of the problem implies this, but I can
not reduce that into an exact closed formula equation, to reduce
computation better than searching for the links in brute force
fashion. full data set for your revision (if interested) is as

Dimn	Waves Tot.	Parts In Wave	Wave  No	Serial	Index	W Order	M
Index	DepTot.	D1-Serial	D1-Index	D1-Order	D1-M
Index	D2-Serial	D2-Index	D2-Order	D2-M Index
2	7	1	0	1	0	0	<0, 0>	2	2	18	0	<4, 4>	3	2	1	<2, 0>
2	7	2	1	2	18	0	<4, 4>	2	4	20	0	<2, 2>	5	36	1	<0, 4>
2	7	2	1	3	2	1	<2, 0>	2	5	36	1	<0, 4>	6	4	2	<4, 0>
2	7	3	2	4	20	0	<2, 2>	2	7	38	0	<2, 4>	8	22	1	<4, 2>
2	7	3	2	5	36	1	<0, 4>	2	8	22	1	<4, 2>	9	54	2	<0, 6>
2	7	3	2	6	4	2	<4, 0>	2	9	54	2	<0, 6>	10	6	3	<6, 0>
2	7	4	3	7	38	0	<2, 4>	1	11	40	0	<4, 4>				
2	7	4	3	8	22	1	<4, 2>	2	11	40	0	<4, 4>	12	56	1	<2, 6>
2	7	4	3	9	54	2	<0, 6>	2	12	56	1	<2, 6>	13	24	2	<6, 2>
2	7	4	3	10	6	3	<6, 0>	1	13	24	2	<6, 2>				
2	7	3	4	11	40	0	<4, 4>	1	14	58	0	<4, 6>				
2	7	3	4	12	56	1	<2, 6>	2	14	58	0	<4, 6>	15	42	1	<6, 4>
2	7	3	4	13	24	2	<6, 2>	1	15	42	1	<6, 4>				
2	7	2	5	14	58	0	<4, 6>	1	16	60	0	<6, 6>				
2	7	2	5	15	42	1	<6, 4>	1	16	60	0	<6, 6>				
2	7	1	6	16	60	0	<6, 6>									

following the tutorial on SNA, I see that I need to convert that into
adjacency matrix to start plotting the graph, and I can not see how I
can do that,

sorry if I will consume your time, but I will need help till I am
confident and can be on my own, and I can do the first step, and later
steps are very much blurry as well,

I appreciate your help very much,

Kind Regards,


On 13/11/2007, elw at stderr.org <elw at stderr.org> wrote:
> sure; i'll help if i'm able.
> there's a TON of functionality buried in those few packages :-)
> --elijah
> On Tue, 13 Nov 2007, Manal Helal wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 14:36:54 +1100
> > From: Manal Helal <manalorama at gmail.com>
> > To: "elw at stderr.org" <elw at stderr.org>
> > Subject: Re: [R] connection diagram
> >
> > Thank you very much for your prompt reply, I have installed the
> > packages, and will go through the tutorials and see how it goes, I
> > hope it is alright if I can come back with some questions in case I am
> > stuck,
> >
> > thanks again,
> >
> > Manal
> >
> > On 13/11/2007, elw at stderr.org <elw at stderr.org> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> hi,
> >>
> >> You should probably be looking at the functions in the following packages:
> >>
> >> sna
> >> network(s)
> >> graph
> >> dynamicgraph
> >> mathgraph
> >> igraph
> >> Matrix
> >>
> >> and a few others ;)
> >>
> >> what you're describing sounds like, to my ear, a restricted social network
> >> diagram;  many of the problems you describe are typical of such problems,
> >> and are accounted for in the packages described above.
> >>
> >> The most difficult part is likely to be the plots;  handling an annotated,
> >> weighted, complex network is fairly straightforward in terms of data
> >> handling and analytic tools (e.g. regressions on networks are common...).
> >>
> >> --elijah
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, 13 Nov 2007, Manal Helal wrote:
> >>
> >>> Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:44:16 +1100
> >>> From: Manal Helal <manalorama at gmail.com>
> >>> To: r-help at r-project.org
> >>> Subject: [R] connection diagram
> >>>
> >>> Hi
> >>>
> >>> I am practically new to R, and need to construct connection diagrams,
> >>> I have a table of data, of nodes in vertical rows, and horizontally
> >>> the number of outgoing connections to other nodes, and the indices of
> >>> these nodes, each in a column, so some columns are used, and some are
> >>> not, based on how many connections I have
> >>>
> >>> the node is identified by these variables (dimension, wave number,
> >>> partition number, index)
> >>>
> >>> the number of incoming and outgoing connections to each nodes varies,
> >>> but obviously there is a relationship
> >>>
> >>> First: I need to draw diagrams of these connections
> >>> Second: I need to apply regression analysis on this data, to predict a
> >>> closed formula of how the 4 variables above decide how many incoming
> >>> connections, and outgoing connections, and from/to which node(s)
> >>>
> >>> Am I making sense? if so, is this doable in R? or do I need to use
> >>> other tools? If R can do it, I really need to find a tutorial or a
> >>> starting link that I can follow to learn more how I can do these,
> >>>
> >>> sorry for being that ignorant about R, but I think I will need it a
> >>> lot if it does what I need,
> >>>
> >>> thank you very much for your help in advance,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >
> >

Kind Regards,

Manal Helal

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