[R] Removing dendrogram nodes with < 2 members

Jesse D Lecy jdlecy at maxwell.syr.edu
Sun Nov 11 16:24:31 CET 2007


I have a large dendrogram that I would like to use to extract groups.  But any group with 2 or fewer members is not useful to me, so I would like to remove all of the nodes with less than 3 members from the dendrogram.

1) Is there a good way to iterate through a dendrogram list to check "members"?

2) Is there a specific function for removing nodes from dendrograms, or will it work to just remove items from the list?  Can you do this while retaining the rest of the dendrogram structure?

3) Is there a way to plot items from a list?  For example, if I stored 3 dendrograms in a list called dend.list, is there a way to plot the second dendrogram?  plot(dend.list[2]), is what I tried, but it did not work.

Many thanks,


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