[R] producing output as *.spo (spss output format)

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 13:40:25 CET 2007

On 11/10/07, Chuck Cleland <ccleland at optonline.net> wrote:
>   RSiteSearch("SPSS", restrict="function") shows nothing relevant to
> *.spo files.  I don't think you will ever see an R *.spo writer.  You
> might look into one or more of the following to produce accessible and
> attractive output for clients:
> Sweave
> OdfWeave

There is also:
Hmisc library [latex()] - for LaTeX output
xtable library [xtable()] - for LaTeX and HTML output
prettyR library - for HTML output

You can use Rcmdr to easily produce graphics and save them either as
.jpg or .png files. It may soon be possible to export objects as LaTeX
or HTML using Rcmdr's graphical user interface.

Also, check relax for a GUI specializing on creating reports in LaTeX.


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