[R] White's test again
David Kaplan
dkaplan at education.wisc.edu
Fri Nov 9 22:23:22 CET 2007
Hi all,
It seems that I can get White's (HC3) test using MASS. The syntax I
used for the particular problem is
anova(scireg3, white.adjust="hc3")
where scireg3 is an object from the lm function. But, the anova summary
table is all I get. I don't get the new estimates or standard errors
correcting for heteroskedasticity. Is there a way to get that information?
Thanks in advance,
David Kaplan, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Educational Sciences, Room, 1061
1025 W. Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53706
email: dkaplan at education.wisc.edu
homepage: http://www.education.wisc.edu/edpsych/facstaff/kaplan/kaplan.htm
Phone: 608-262-0836
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