[R] help with lasso2 package

dverzi at mail.sdsu.edu dverzi at mail.sdsu.edu
Fri Nov 9 20:48:15 CET 2007

X is a matrix and F is a vector.  

F2 <- data.frame(cbind(X,F)) 


 V1         V2        V3         F
1 -0.250536332 -1.4755883 1.9580974 -2.136487
2 -0.009856084  0.4953269 0.5486092 -2.744482
3 -0.406962682  0.7729631 0.1861905 -2.891821
4  1.938780097  0.7469251 1.2537781 -1.212992
5 -0.332370358  1.1943637 0.7114278 -1.830441

modF<-formula(F ~ V1 + V2 + V3) #no error message

#general least squares model works fine

glm.F <- glm(modF, data = F2, family = gaussian)
#But there are unresolved errors with gl1ce

gl1F<-gl1ce(modF, data=F2, family=gaussian)

  Error in family(family) : link "family" not available for 
  gaussian family; available links 
  are 'inverse', 'log', 'identity'

> gl1F<-gl1ce(modF, data=F2, family=gaussian(link="identity"))

   Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "etastart" not

Please advise.


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