[R] R as a programming language

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 19:39:57 CET 2007

On Nov 8, 2007 1:26 PM, Barry Rowlingson <b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk> wrote:
> hadley wickham wrote:
> > You're assuming an automatic cast from numbers into strings?  What if
> > a + "4" threw an error?
>  What's wrong with commas anyway when using cat():
>  > cat("x is ",x,' and y is ',y,'\n',sep='')
>  x is 1 and y is 2
>  and there's always sprintf() for those moments when you want neat
> formatting.
>  Is it just me who thinks it's odd that in a language that is umpteen
> years old we are still discussing the fundamentals of what essentially
> makes up the 'hello world' example?

The gsubfn package lets you do quasi-perl style
interpolation on the arguments of a function by
prefacing the function with fn$ like this:

fn$cat("pi = $pi, e = `exp(1)`\n")

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