[R] centile reference chart / clildren growth chart - what package/method to use

Niels Steen Krogh nielssteenkrogh at zitelab.dk
Thu Nov 8 17:16:01 CET 2007

We are constructing growth charts (age/weight and age/length) for children
with diagnosis that impacts weight/length. 

But we we don't know how to use R for producing growth charts. 

We are collection data of Age, Weight and Length.
The data are used to produce diagnosis-specific Growth charts (like the CDC
Growth Charts:

Data-example is in the UsingR package as data(kid.weights).

In the CDC-papers a LMS approch is described. Cole has programmed the
methology (I guess) in a <R 2.0.0 package called lmsqreg:
> library(lmsqreg)
Error in library(lmsqreg) : 
lmsqreg' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?)

Where to go forward in R.
Thanks for any "hints". 
We are using R2.6.0 on win/linux


Niels Steen Krogh
ZiteLab ApS 

Mail: ---------- nielssteenkrogh at zitelab.dk
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