[R] virus warning from escan to mail-sender!

pom at iconnect.zm pom at iconnect.zm
Tue Nov 6 11:58:49 CET 2007

The attachment(s) that you sent with the following mail
had Viruses in it!

The Mail came from    : r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
The Mail recipient    : pom at zamnet.zm
Subject of the Mail   : Delivery reports about your e-mail
Message-ID            : <B0074071860 at kaingo>
Received	      : from stat.math.ethz.ch (p4FD2C3B8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de []) by zamnet.zm
Sender IP             :

Attachment-Name         Virus-Name              Action-Taken
instruction.zip         Email-Worm.Win32.Mydoom.m Deleted

Use  MailScan on your  EMail  Servers  and  eScan on your
Windows-based PCs and Servers for maximum protection from
Internet-borne viruses.

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