[R] help on error message!!!

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Sun Nov 4 15:22:40 CET 2007

On 04/11/2007 9:06 AM, david csongor wrote:
> Could anyone please  help me with this one!!!
> I am looping some simple stuff but when I enter an if - function I get this
> error message:
> Error in if (y < (2/(1 * pi) * sqrt(1 - ((x - 2)/1)^2))) c[i] = x else c[i]
> = 0 :
>         missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
> WHAT does it mean, what should I do????

if ( condition ) requires that the condition evaluate to something that 
it can interpret as TRUE or FALSE.  Your condition was

y < (2/(1 * pi) * sqrt(1 - ((x - 2)/1)^2))

and it evaluated to a missing value.  Several reasons this could happen: 
  y was missing, x was missing, you tried to take a square root of a 
negative number, etc.

Duncan Murdoch

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