[R] Strange behavior with time-series x-axis

Felix Andrews felix at nfrac.org
Fri Nov 2 04:23:04 CET 2007


I can reproduce the problems you described, but I can't find where the
problem is (in axis.POSIXct). Anyway, here is an alternative I wrote a
while ago:

# for base graphics
timeAxis <- function(side, at=NULL, labels=TRUE, ..., tz="GMT") {
	range <- par("usr")[if (side%%2) 1:2 else 3:4]
	axisStuff <- timeAxisComponents(range, label=labels, tz=tz)
	labels <- axisStuff$label
	labels[labels == ""] <- NA
	axis(side, at=axisStuff$at, labels=labels, ...)

# for grid graphics
grid.xaxis.POSIXt <- function(lim=convertX(unit(0:1,"npc"), "native",
	label=T, draw=T, name=NULL, ...)
	axisStuff <- timeAxisComponents(lim, label=label)
	if (label==F) axisStuff$label <- F
	tmp <- xaxisGrob(at=axisStuff$at, label=axisStuff$label, name=name, ...)
	if (label) tmp <- editGrob(tmp, gPath=gPath("labels"), check.overlap=F)
	if (draw) grid.draw(tmp)

# lim should be POSIXct or numeric equivalent (i.e. secs since 1970)
timeAxisComponents <- function(lim, label=TRUE, tz="GMT") {
	stopifnot(length(lim) == 2)
	if (is.numeric(lim)) {
		class(lim) <- c("POSIXt", "POSIXct")
		attr(lim, "tzone") <- tz
	timelim <- as.POSIXct(lim)
	lim <- as.numeric(timelim)
	startTime <- min(timelim)
	# utility functions for making pretty times
	truncMonth <- function(thisPOSIXt) {
		zz <- as.POSIXlt(thisPOSIXt)
		zz$mday <- 1
		zz$hour <- zz$min <- zz$sec <- 0
		zz$isdst <- -1
	truncYear <- function(thisPOSIXt) {
		zz <- as.POSIXlt(thisPOSIXt)
		zz$mday <- 1
		zz$mon <- zz$hour <- zz$min <- zz$sec <- 0
		zz$isdst <- -1
	truncDecade <- function(thisPOSIXt) {
		zz <- as.POSIXlt(truncYear(thisPOSIXt))
		zz$year <- (zz$year %/% 10) * 10
	trunc.century <- function(thisPOSIXt) {
		zz <- as.POSIXlt(truncYear(thisPOSIXt))
		zz$year <- (zz$year %/% 100) * 100
	# work out time sequence and formatting, depending on the time scale
	# each of tickSpec and labelSpec defines a time sequence and formatting
	tickSpec <- list(by="1 hour", format="%m-%d %H:%M",
		from=trunc(startTime, units="hours"))
	labelSpec <- tickSpec
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 8 * 60*60) { # 8 hours
		labelSpec$by <- "3 hours"
		labelSpec$from <- trunc(startTime, units="days")
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 24 * 60*60) { # 24 hours
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
		labelSpec$by <- "12 hours"
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 2 * 24*60*60) { # 2 days
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
		labelSpec$by <- "1 DSTday"
		labelSpec$format <- "%Y-%m-%d"
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 3 * 24*60*60) { # 3 days
		# only put ticks at day labels (no sub-ticks)
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 7 * 24*60*60) { # 7 days
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
		labelSpec$by <- "3 DSTdays"
		# ignore up to 3 days of previous month to find start date
		labelSpec$from <- truncMonth(startTime + 4*24*60*60)
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 18 * 24*60*60) { # 18 days
		labelSpec$by <- "7 DSTdays"
		# ignore up to 7 days of previous month to find start date
		labelSpec$from <- truncMonth(startTime + 7*24*60*60)
		# leave ticks going by 1 day
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 1.1 * 30*24*60*60) { # 1 month
		labelSpec$by <- "1 month"
		# leave ticks going by 1 day
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 1.85 * 30*24*60*60) { # 2 months
		labelSpec$format <- "%Y-%m"
		# only put ticks at month labels (no sub-ticks)
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 6 * 30*24*60*60) { # 6 months
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
		labelSpec$by <- "3 months"
		labelSpec$format <- "%Y-%b"
		labelSpec$from <- truncYear(startTime)
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 2 * 365.25*24*60*60) { # 2 years
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
		labelSpec$by <- "1 year"
		labelSpec$format <- "%Y"
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 3.5 * 365.25*24*60*60) { # 3.5 years
		# only put ticks at year labels (no sub-ticks)
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 8 * 365.25*24*60*60) { # 8 years
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
		labelSpec$by <- "2 years"
		labelSpec$from <- truncDecade(startTime)
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 12 * 365.25*24*60*60) { # 12 years
		labelSpec$by <- "5 years"
		# leave ticks going by 1 year
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 30 * 365.25*24*60*60) { # 30 years
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
		labelSpec$by <- "10 years"
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 60 * 365.25*24*60*60) { # 60 years
		# drop 5-year ticks
		tickSpec <- labelSpec
	if (diff(range(lim)) > 100 * 365.25*24*60*60) { # 100 years
		labelSpec$by <- "20 years"
		labelSpec$from <- trunc.century(startTime)
	# make sequence of axis ticks
	at <- seq(tickSpec$from, max(timelim), by=tickSpec$by)
	at <- at[(min(timelim) <= at) & (at <= max(timelim))]
	# blank labels
	atLabels <- rep("", length(at))
	if (label) {
		labelAt <- seq(labelSpec$from, max(timelim), by=labelSpec$by)
		labelIdx <- c(na.omit(match(as.numeric(labelAt), as.numeric(at))))
		atLabels[labelIdx] <- format(at[labelIdx], labelSpec$format)
	return(list(at=at, label=atLabels))

On 10/26/07, Allen McIntosh <mcintosh at research.telcordia.com> wrote:
> I recently called plot(x,y) where x was an array of POSIXct timestamps,
> and was pleasantly surprised that it produced a nice plot right out of
> the box:
> z <- as.POSIXct(c("2006-10-26 08:00:00 EDT","2007-10-25 12:00:00 EDT"))
> x <- seq(z[1],z[2],len=100)
> y <- 1:100
> plot(x,y,type="l")
> The X axis had nice labels, one tick mark every other month.  (Plotting
> on a 1024x768 X11 display, Fedora Core 5, R version 2.5.1.)
> What I really wanted to do was a little more elaborate, involving
> multiple Y variables, so I did the following to draw the axes and frame
> the plot:
> plot(range(x),range(y),type="n")
> and suddenly the nice X axis labels were not so nice anymore.  There
> were three tickmarks labeled "Nov", "Oct" and "Nov", and that's all.
> (range(x) strips the tzone attribute from x, but replacing range(x) with
> c(x[1],x[100]) doesn't change anything).
> If x covers a slightly larger span of time, e.g.
> z <- as.POSIXct(c("2006-10-1 08:00:00 EDT","2007-10-25 12:00:00 EDT"))
> x <- seq(z[1],z[2],len=100)
> plot(x,y,type="l")
> then the x axis labeling is also problematic, consisting of a single
> tick at "2007".
> Is there anything I can do about this, short of turning off automatic X
> labels and doing things myself?
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Felix Andrews / 安福立
PhD candidate
Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management Centre
The Fenner School of Environment and Society
The Australian National University (Building 48A), ACT 0200
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