[R] Running R in Bash and R GUI

S.Hodgkinson at brighton.ac.uk S.Hodgkinson at brighton.ac.uk
Thu May 24 17:04:45 CEST 2007

I have been trying to get the R and package update functions in the  
GUI version of R to work on my Mac.

Initially I got error messages that suggested I needed to set up the  
http_proxy for GUI R to use, but how can this be done?

I eventually got to the point of writing a .bash_profile file in the  
Bash terminal and setting the proxy addresses there.

I can now use my Bash terminal, invoke R, and run the update /  
install commands and they work!

The problem that still remains is that in the R console of the GUI  
R,  the http_proxy is not seen and thus I cannot connect to CRAN or  
any other mirror using the GUI functions in the pull-down menus.

I get

 > update.packages ()
Warning: unable to access index for repository http://cran.uk.r- 

Basically it still seems unable to access port 80.

Is there a way of solving this so that I can use both terminals  
rather than just everything through Bash?


Steve Hodgkinson

University of Brighton

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