[R] Wikibooks

Ben Bolker bolker at zoo.ufl.edu
Thu Mar 29 23:53:52 CEST 2007

Alberto Monteiro <albmont <at> centroin.com.br> writes:

> As a big fan of Wikipedia, it's frustrating to see how little there is about 
> R in the correlated project, the Wikibooks:
> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/R_Programming
> Alberto Monteiro

  Well, we do have an R wiki -- http://wiki.r-project.org/rwiki/doku.php --
although it is not as active as I'd like.  (We got stuck halfway through
porting Paul Johnson's "R Tips" to it ...)   Please contribute!
  Most of the (considerable) effort people expend in answering
questions about R goes to the mailing lists -- I personally would like it if some
tiny fraction of that energy could be redirected toward the wiki, where
information can be presented in a nicer format and (ideally) polished
over time -- rather than having to dig back through multiple threads on the
mailing lists to get answers.  (After that we have to get people
to look for the answers on the wiki.)

  Just my two cents -- and I've been delinquent in my 
wiki'ing recently too ...

  Ben Bolker

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