[R] Tracking when an object/function was modified

Mona Kanaan mona.kanaan at aub.edu.lb
Thu Mar 8 14:54:02 CET 2007

Dear R-users,

If I would like to track the date when an R-object (specifically  an R- 
function) was modified, how can I achieve that? Furthermore, how can I 
sort these objects based on date  modified?

Your help is greatly appreciated
All the best


*Dr. Mona Kanaan                                    *
*Department of Epidemiology and Population Health   *
*Faculty of Health Sciences                         *
*The American University of Beirut                  *
*P.O. Box 11-0236, Riad El Solh 1107 2020           *
*Beirut, Lebanon                                    *
*E-mail: mona.kanaan at aub.edu.lb                     *

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