[R] barplot2, gap.barplot

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 15:53:36 CET 2007

> 3. Depending on the nature of your data, if the extreme value is
> representative of an important marked difference relative to the other
> values, then I don't particularly find the 'look' of the plot to be
> overly problematic. It does appropriately emphasize the large
> difference.
> On the other hand, you might want to consider using a log scale on the y
> axis as an alternative to an axis gap. This would be a reasonable
> approach to plotting values that have a notable difference in range.  If
> you do this, note that you would need to ensure that all y values are >0
> (ie. y axis range minimum, lower bounds of CI's, etc.) since:
> > log10(0)
> [1] -Inf

Of course, you can't do this with a bar plot, because bars should be
anchored at 0.


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