[R] User Defined R Functions in Sweave/Latex

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Thu Jun 21 08:57:22 CEST 2007

M. Jankowski <mjankowski <at> gmail.com> writes:

> My Sweave code is intended to make lots of plots and create a *.pdf
> document. Sweave is perfect for this. The only problem is that  I find
> myself using the same R code, within my Sweave input file over an
> over. 
> This is the R function:
> basicplot <- function(x, nplots, sectionname){
> # Begin to make figure here
> file = paste("scatter",nplots, ".pdf", sep="")
> pdf(file = file,paper="special", width=6, height = 6)
> plot(x)
> dev.off()
> cat("\\begin{figure}\n")
> cat("\\includegraphics{",file,"}\n", sep="")
> cat("\\caption{", sectionname,"}\n", sep = "")
> cat("\\end{figure}\n")
> #End figure making
> }
I don't know if this is exactly what you want, but below an example of using
includegraphics in a latex macro. For a real application, I recommend
\FloatBarrier instead of \clearpage when you have lots of figures/tables and
little text, as it's common in technical stuff.


% -- Begin Sweave example
\SweaveOpts{engine=R,eval=TRUE,eps=FALSE,pdf=TRUE, strip.white=TRUE}



\subsection{ #1}
The meaning of life is The meaning of life is
The meaning of life is
The meaning of life is
The meaning of life is


<<dotheplots, results=tex>>=
 for (nplots in 1:3) {
   file = paste("scatter",nplots, ".pdf", sep="")
   pdf(file = file,paper="special", width=6, height = 6)
   cat("\\doaplot{Section",nplots,"}{scatter",nplots,"}{My caption for ",


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