[R] how to combine data of several csv-files

Antje niederlein-rstat at yahoo.de
Mon Jul 30 16:18:44 CEST 2007


thank you for your help. But I guess, it's still not what I want... printing df.my gives me

   v1         v2          v3          v4         v5          v6           v7 v8
1 NA -0.6442149  0.02354036 -1.40362589 -1.1829260  1.17099178 -0.046778203 NA
2 NA -0.2047012 -1.36186952  0.13045724  2.1411553  0.49248118 -0.233788840 NA
3 NA -1.1986041 -0.42197792 -0.84651458 -0.1327081 -0.18690065  0.443908897 NA
4 NA -0.2097442  1.50445971  1.57005071 -0.1053442  1.50050976 -1.649740180 NA
5 NA -0.7343465 -1.76763996  0.06961015 -0.8179396 -0.65552410  0.003991354 NA
6 NA -1.3888750  0.53722404  0.25269771 -1.2342698 -0.01243247 -0.228020092 NA

now, I have to combine like this:

   v1         v2          v3          v4         v5          v6           v7     v8
   NA	     cat1	 cat1	     cat1       cat2        cat2         cat2   NA



the same for v5, v6 and v7

further, I'm not sure how to avoid the list, because this is the result of the processing I did before...


8rino-Luca Pantani schrieb:
> I hope I see.
> Why not try the following, and avoid lists, which I'm not still able to 
> manage properly ;-)
> v1 <- NA
> v2 <- rnorm(6)
> v3 <- rnorm(6)
> v4 <- rnorm(6)
> v5 <- rnorm(6)
> v6 <- rnorm(6)
> v7 <- rnorm(6)
> v8 <- rnorm(6)
> v8 <- NA
> (df.my <- cbind.data.frame(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8))
> (df.my2 <- reshape(df.my,
>                  varying=list(c("v1","v2","v3", "v4","v5","v6","v7","v8")),
>                  idvar="sequential",
>                  timevar="cat",
>                  direction="long"
>        ))
> aggregate(df.my2$v1, by=list(category=df.my2$cat), mean)
> aggregate(df.my2$v1, by=list(category=df.my2$cat), function(x){sd(x, 
> na.rm = TRUE)})
> Antje ha scritto:
>> okay, I played a bit around and now I have some kind of testcase for you:
>> v1 <- NA
>> v2 <- rnorm(6)
>> v3 <- rnorm(6)
>> v4 <- rnorm(6)
>> v5 <- rnorm(6)
>> v6 <- rnorm(6)
>> v7 <- rnorm(6)
>> v8 <- rnorm(6)
>> v8 <- NA
>> list <- list(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8)
>> categ <- c(NA,"cat1","cat1","cat1","cat2","cat2","cat2",NA)
>> > list
>> [[1]]
>> [1] NA
>> [[2]]
>> [1] -0.6442149 -0.2047012 -1.1986041 -0.2097442 -0.7343465 -1.3888750
>> [[3]]
>> [1]  0.02354036 -1.36186952 -0.42197792  1.50445971 -1.76763996  
>> 0.53722404
>> [[4]]
>> [1] -1.40362589  0.13045724 -0.84651458  1.57005071  0.06961015  
>> 0.25269771
>> [[5]]
>> [1] -1.1829260  2.1411553 -0.1327081 -0.1053442 -0.8179396 -1.2342698
>> [[6]]
>> [1]  1.17099178  0.49248118 -0.18690065  1.50050976 -0.65552410 
>> -0.01243247
>> [[7]]
>> [1] -0.046778203 -0.233788840  0.443908897 -1.649740180  0.003991354 
>> -0.228020092
>> [[8]]
>> [1] NA
>> now, I need the means (and sd) of element 1 of list[2],list[3],list[4] 
>> (because they belong to "cat1") and
>> = mean(-0.6442149, 0.02354036, -1.40362589)
>> the same for element 2 up to element 6 (--> I would the get a vector 
>> containing the means for "cat1")
>> the same for the vectors belonging to "cat2".
>> does anybody now understand what I mean?
>> Antje

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