[R] Problem installing packages

Peter Dalgaard p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Fri Apr 20 01:02:55 CEST 2007

Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 10:51:58PM +0200, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>> Deepankar Basu wrote:
>>> I tried to install the package "tseries" but could not do so. Any
>>> suggestions are welcome. I am using Ubuntu Linux and here is what I did:
>>> $ sudo R
>>> Then once in R, I did
>>>> install.packages("tseries", dep=TRUE)
>>> which gave a long list of errors. Going through them, I saw that the
>>> basic problem was that the package "grid" was not found by the packages
>>> (like "lattice", "Hmisc", etc.) that were part of the dependencies for
>>> "tseries". So, I tried installing the package "grid" but could not. Here
> Maybe you don't have the header files for compiling?  In any event
> grid is only installed (see below)
>>> is what I did (and the result):
>>> $ sudo R
>>> Once in R, I did
>>>> install.packages("grid", dep=TRUE)
>>> And this is what I got as error message
>>> Warning in install.packages("grid", dep = TRUE) :
>>>          argument 'lib' is missing: using /usr/local/lib/R/site-library
>>> --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
>>> Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
>>> dependency '???grid???' is not available
>>> How should I proceed?
>> I think this is Dirk's way of shooting you in the foot... Debian/Ubuntu 
>> has a split between packages r-base and r-recommended, which is not The 
> Not exactly. 
> 'r-base' depends on r-base-core, r-recommended and many other things.
> You have the option of only installing r-base-core, but if you start
> with r-base, things just work. [1]
> Moreover, the r-base-core package _contains_ grid:
> 	 edd at basebud:~> dpkg -L r-base-core | grep grid | wc -l
> 	 197
Yes, I goofed there. Apologies, you're not shooting users in the feet 
(not that way anyway).

However, the README for ubuntu has

sudo apt-get install r-base r-recommended

which is a bit misleading if one depends on the other.

> So to make it as plain as possible:
>    i)  what is in R-$VERSION/src/library/ goes into r-base-core
>    ii) with the exception of R-$VERSION/src/library/Recommended
>        where each packages goes into its own r-cran-$package as
>        eg r-cran-boot, r-cran-cluster, ...
> In any event, r-cran-tseries has been available for years so wgar
> Deepankar wants here
> 	  $ sudo apt-get install r-cran-tseries
> Dirk
> [1] The most common gotcha is that people forget the other meta
> package r-base-dev that Doug created years ago -- you need it to
> ensure the appropriate -dev packages are installed too. 

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