[R] inconsistent output using 'round'

Bob Green bgreen at dyson.brisnet.org.au
Thu Apr 19 23:05:04 CEST 2007


Many thanks. I have never seen a  confidence interval from 0.000 to 
626594160468154480000000000.000 - this is a worry.

I am also still puzzled why use of digits = 3, produced output which 
includes 2, 3 and 4 decimal points as per below. The two decimal 
point values for the coef should have been 2.479, 1.027, 1.614.



 > print(exp(coef(mod.multacute)),digits = 3)
          (Intercept) in.acute.dangery violent.convictionsy
GBH.UW         0.233             3.90                0.714
homicide       0.183             2.48                0.682
GBH.UW                                    1.03
homicide                                     1.61
 > print(exp(confint(mod.multacute)),digits =3)
, , GBH.UW

                                       		2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept)                           		0.130  0.417
in.acute.dangery                     		1.384 10.970
violent.convictionsy                  	0.213  2.390
in.acute.dangery:violent.convictionsy 	0.146  7.200

, , homicide

                                        		2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept)                           		0.0964  0.349
in.acute.dangery                     		0.7194  8.543
violent.convictionsy                  	0.1747  2.660
in.acute.dangery:violent.convictionsy     0.1767 14.738

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