[R] Error with strptime

Jean-Louis Abitbol abitbol at sent.com
Thu Apr 19 16:47:21 CEST 2007

Dear All,

I am trying to convert to POSIXct after pasting a date and a time in
character format with strptime.

It is probably obvious but I don't understand why I get an error message

bsamp$spltime<-strptime(test,format="%d-%B-%y %H:%M")

whereas I can get what I want if I do it in 2 steps and rbinding ?

Thanks and best regards, Jean-Louis

This is the R console output

> bsamp<-read.table("bsampl2.csv",header=T,sep=";")
> names(bsamp)<-tolower(names(bsamp))
> bsamp<-upData(bsamp,drop=c("study"))
Input object size:       23896 bytes;    15 variables
Dropped variable         study
New object size:         23016 bytes;    14 variables
> bsamp$visitdat<-as.character(bsamp$visitdat)
> bsamp$samtime<-as.character(bsamp$samtime)
> bsamp$admtime<-as.character(bsamp$admtime)
> bsamp$delay<-as.character(bsamp$delay)
> test<-paste(bsamp$visitdat,bsamp$samtime)
> test
  [1] "01-mars-06 11:40" "15-mars-06 11:30" "15-mars-06 15:00"
  [4] "29-mars-06 11:40" "01-mars-06 11:45" "15-mars-06 11:15"
  [7] "15-mars-06 14:45" "29-mars-06 12:50" "01-mars-06 11:16"
 [10] "15-mars-06 11:10" "15-mars-06 14:30" "29-mars-06 11:50"
 [13] "01-mars-06 11:50" "15-mars-06 11:25" "15-mars-06 14:55"
 [16] "29-mars-06 11:30" "01-mars-06 11:55" "15-mars-06 11:35"
 [19] "15-mars-06 "      "29-mars-06 11:45" "01-mars-06 11:09"

> bsamp$spltime<-strptime(test,format="%d-%B-%y %H:%M")
Erreur dans `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "spltime", value = list(sec =
numeric(0),  :
        le tableau de remplacement a 9 lignes, le tableau remplacé en a

> test2<-strptime(test,format="%d-%B-%y %H:%M")
> bsamp<-cbind(bsamp,test2)
> bsamp$test2
  [1] "2006-03-01 11:40:00 Centre de l'Europe"
  [2] "2006-03-15 11:30:00 Centre de l'Europe"
  [3] "2006-03-15 15:00:00 Centre de l'Europe"
  [4] "2006-03-29 11:40:00 Centre de l'Europe (heure d'été"
  [5] "2006-03-01 11:45:00 Centre de l'Europe"
  [6] "2006-03-15 11:15:00 Centre de l'Europe"
  [7] "2006-03-15 14:45:00 Centre de l'Europe"
  [8] "2006-03-29 12:50:00 Centre de l'Europe (heure d'été"
  [9] "2006-03-01 11:16:00 Centre de l'Europe"
 [10] "2006-03-15 11:10:00 Centre de l'Europe"
 [11] "2006-03-15 14:30:00 Centre de l'Europe"
 [12] "2006-03-29 11:50:00 Centre de l'Europe (heure d'été"
 [13] "2006-03-01 11:50:00 Centre de l'Europe"
 [14] "2006-03-15 11:25:00 Centre de l'Europe"
 [15] "2006-03-15 14:55:00 Centre de l'Europe"
 [16] "2006-03-29 11:30:00 Centre de l'Europe (heure d'été"
 [17] "2006-03-01 11:55:00 Centre de l'Europe"
 [18] "2006-03-15 11:35:00 Centre de l'Europe"
 [19] NA
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)


attached base packages:
[1] "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"
[6] "methods"   "base"

other attached packages:
         car RColorBrewer       gplots        gdata       gtools
     "1.2-1"      "0.2-3"      "2.3.2"      "2.3.1"      "2.3.1"
     lattice        Hmisc      acepack      RWinEdt
   "0.14-17"      "3.3-1"    "1.3-2.2"      "1.7-5"

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