[R] factorial modeling of correlation matrices

Bruno L. Giordano bruno.giordano at music.mcgill.ca
Sun Apr 15 00:48:02 CEST 2007


I would greatly appreciate having some feedback on a problem.

My data consist of two matrices of robust rank correlations between data
collected in different conditions.

The two matrices represent data from two between-subjects conditions.

Each of the matrices correlates data from each of four within-subjects 
conditions, given by the factorial combination of two within-subjects 

I would like to test the significance of the effects of my experimental
factors, and of their two- and three-way interactions on the observed

Now, am I missing some basics of multivariate statistics or I should 
seriously consider structural equations modeling, which seems an 
overkill for my problem?

Thank you very much,


Bruno L. Giordano, Ph.D.
Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory
CIRMMT http://www.cirmmt.mcgill.ca/
Schulich School of Music, McGill University
555 Sherbrooke Street West
Montréal, QC H3A 1E3

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