[R] Matlab import

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Tue Apr 10 16:59:10 CEST 2007

      Have you considered exporting from Matlab using the '-ascii' 
option, then reading it with 'read.table', after perhaps checking the 
first few rows using, e.g., 'readLines', and confirming that all records 
have the same length using 'count.fields'? 

      Hope this helps. 
      Spencer Graves

Schmitt, Corinna wrote:
> Hallo,
>> With readMat, don't use the "-ascii" option (which you didn't have in your
>> first posting). I've never tried reading matlab's ascii format. In any >case,
>> readMat reads matlab's binary format. 
>> - Tom
> I did the saving again without 'ascii' option but the import also did not work. I get the following error message:
>> library(R.matlab)
>> mats <- readMat("Z:/Software/R-Programme/test2.dat")
> Fehler in list("readMat("Z:/Software/R-Programme/test2.dat")" = <environment>,  : 
> [2007-04-10 14:57:52] Exception: Tag type not supported: miCOMPRESSED
>   at throw(Exception(...))
>   at throw.default("Tag type not supported: ", tag$type)
>   at throw("Tag type not supported: ", tag$type)
>   at readMat5DataElement(this)
>   at readMat5(con, firstFourBytes = firstFourBytes, maxLength = maxLength)
>   at readMat.default("Z:/Software/R-Programme/test2.dat")
>   at readMat("Z:/Software/R-Programme/test2.dat")
> Any further idea,
> Corinna
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Schmitt, Corinna wrote:
>> Hallo,
>>> I've used Henrik Bengtsson's R.matlab package several times to
> successfully
>>> read in matlab data files. It's normally as easy as:
>>> library(R.matlab)
>>> mats <- readMat("matrixM.txt")
>>> - Tom
>> I have imported this package, too. And tried your commands with the new
>> txt-file as mentioned in my last mail to the mailing list. 
>> I get the following error command:
>> mats = readMat("Z:/Software/R-Programme/test.dat")
>> Error in if (version == 256) { : Argument hat Länge 0
>> Zusätzlich: Warning message:
>> Unknown endian: . Will assume Bigendian. in: readMat5Header(this,
>> firstFourBytes = firstFourBytes) 
>> What did I wrong? Please check my txt-file which was constructed with the
>> matlab command "save('test.dat','matrixM','-ascii')"
>> Thanks, Corinna
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Schmitt, Corinna wrote:
>>> Dear R-Experts,
>>> here again a question concerning matlab. With the command "matrixM=[1 2
>>> 3;4 5 6]" a matrix under Matlab was constructed. It was than stored with
>>> the command "save('matrixM.txt','matrixM')".
>>> Now I tried to import the data in R with the help of the command
>>> "Z=matrix(scan("Z:/Software/R-Programme/matrixM.txt"))"
>>> An error occurred. 
>>> The result should be a matrix with the entries as mentioned above.
>>> Perhaps I made already an error in matlab. 
>>> Has any one got an idea how to import the data and store it in R. In R I
>>> want to make further calculations with the matrix. I just installed
>>> R.matlab but could not find an example with could help me.
>>> Thanks, Corinna
>>> MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: PCWIN, Created on: Tue Apr 10 13:17:44
>>> 2007                                                 
>>> �IM���3���xœãc``p�b6 æ€Ò À
>>> å31331;ç&–eVø‚ÅAjY˜X™
>> �[n|
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