[R] Matlab import

Schmitt, Corinna Corinna.Schmitt at igb.fraunhofer.de
Tue Apr 10 14:28:54 CEST 2007


>I've used Henrik Bengtsson's R.matlab package several times to successfully
>read in matlab data files. It's normally as easy as:

>mats <- readMat("matrixM.txt")

>- Tom

I have imported this package, too. And tried your commands with the new txt-file as mentioned in my last mail to the mailing list. 

I get the following error command:
mats = readMat("Z:/Software/R-Programme/test.dat")
Error in if (version == 256) { : Argument hat Länge 0
Zusätzlich: Warning message:
Unknown endian: . Will assume Bigendian. in: readMat5Header(this, firstFourBytes = firstFourBytes) 

What did I wrong? Please check my txt-file which was constructed with the matlab command "save('test.dat','matrixM','-ascii')"

Thanks, Corinna


Schmitt, Corinna wrote:
> Dear R-Experts,
> here again a question concerning matlab. With the command "matrixM=[1 2
> 3;4 5 6]" a matrix under Matlab was constructed. It was than stored with
> the command "save('matrixM.txt','matrixM')".
> Now I tried to import the data in R with the help of the command
> "Z=matrix(scan("Z:/Software/R-Programme/matrixM.txt"))"
> An error occurred. 
> The result should be a matrix with the entries as mentioned above.
> Perhaps I made already an error in matlab. 
> Has any one got an idea how to import the data and store it in R. In R I
> want to make further calculations with the matrix. I just installed
> R.matlab but could not find an example with could help me.
> Thanks, Corinna
> MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: PCWIN, Created on: Tue Apr 10 13:17:44 2007                                                 
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