[R] plotting curves

Aldo Crossa aldo.crossa at wright.edu
Mon Sep 11 17:23:13 CEST 2006


I've been trying to recreate plots of that follow a cubic form. The the 
original graphs I'm looking at were produced with specialized software 
(Delta Graph), and although I can reproduce it almost exactly with R, 
the only difference is in the actual display of the curves I've plotted. 
I've noticed that in R all curves are pixelated, regardless of howmany 
points I use. Is there anything I can do to smoothen these graphs so 
that they are no longer pixelated? I've tried saving it as a metafile, 
postcript, etc., and although the I've been able to increase the 
resolution, I haven't been able to fix the pixelation.

Thanks for your help,


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