[R] deriv when one term is indexed
Ken Knoblauch
knoblauch at lyon.inserm.fr
Mon Nov 20 00:07:10 CET 2006
A slight glitch got-in during the copy and past.
The part below that says,
Parameter effects: c^theta x sqrt(F) = 0.0123
Intrinsic: c^iota x sqrt(F) = 0.0068
should read,
Parameter effects: c^theta x sqrt(F) = 0.0123
Intrinsic: c^iota x sqrt(F) = 0.0068
Apologies for the error, to the authors of MASS, who wrote this function
and within whose
package it can be found.
Ken Knoblauch wrote:
> I have found a way to approach the question that I posed, that is
> having deriv and deriv3 deal with an indexed term in the formula.
> Unless, there is a more direct approach (and my minimal investigation
> of the code involved suggested that it would not be simple to implement,
> for me at least), this should be tractable as long as the number of
> elements indexed is not too large. In short, I reparameterize the problem
> so that each of the indices corresponds to a separate column in the
> data.frame. Then, I can apply both deriv and deriv3, the only
> post-editing of the functions being to deal with the derivative at 0,
> because a log appears.
> For anyone interested, here is the example:
> gg <- model.matrix(~-1 + Gun/GL, ddsub)[1:51, c(4:6)]
> ddsub$Rgun <- gg[, 1]
> ddsub$Ggun <- gg[, 2]
> ddsub$Bgun <- gg[, 3]
> dd.der3 <- deriv3(f, c("Blev", "Br", "Bg", "Bb", "gamm"),
> function(Blev, Br, Bg, Bb, gamm, Rgun, Ggun, Bgun) {})
> ###edit to deal with log(0) case
> dd.der3 <- function (Blev, Br, Bg, Bb, gamm, Rgun, Ggun, Bgun)
> {
> .expr1 <- Rgun^gamm
> .expr4 <- Ggun^gamm
> .expr7 <- Bgun^gamm
> .expr10 <- ifelse(Rgun == 0, 0, log(Rgun))
> .expr11 <- .expr1 * .expr10
> .expr12 <- ifelse(Ggun == 0, 0, log(Ggun))
> .expr13 <- .expr4 * .expr12
> .expr14 <- ifelse(Bgun == 0, 0, log(Bgun))
> .expr15 <- .expr7 * .expr14
> .value <- Blev + Br * .expr1 + Bg * .expr4 + Bb * .expr7
> .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 5), list(NULL, c("Blev",
> "Br", "Bg", "Bb", "gamm")))
> .hessian <- array(0, c(length(.value), 5, 5), list(NULL,
> c("Blev", "Br", "Bg", "Bb", "gamm"), c("Blev", "Br",
> "Bg", "Bb", "gamm")))
> .grad[, "Blev"] <- 1
> .grad[, "Br"] <- .expr1
> .hessian[, "Br", "Br"] <- 0
> .hessian[, "Br", "Bg"] <- .hessian[, "Bg", "Br"] <- 0
> .hessian[, "Br", "Bb"] <- .hessian[, "Bb", "Br"] <- 0
> .hessian[, "Br", "gamm"] <- .hessian[, "gamm", "Br"] <- .expr11
> .grad[, "Bg"] <- .expr4
> .hessian[, "Bg", "Bg"] <- 0
> .hessian[, "Bg", "Bb"] <- .hessian[, "Bb", "Bg"] <- 0
> .hessian[, "Bg", "gamm"] <- .hessian[, "gamm", "Bg"] <- .expr13
> .grad[, "Bb"] <- .expr7
> .hessian[, "Bb", "Bb"] <- 0
> .hessian[, "Bb", "gamm"] <- .hessian[, "gamm", "Bb"] <- .expr15
> .grad[, "gamm"] <- Br * .expr11 + Bg * .expr13 + Bb * .expr15
> .hessian[, "gamm", "gamm"] <- Br * (.expr11 * .expr10) +
> Bg * (.expr13 * .expr12) + Bb * (.expr15 * .expr14)
> attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
> attr(.value, "hessian") <- .hessian
> .value
> }
> dd.nls.d4 <- nls(Lum ~ dd.der3(Blev, Br, Bg, Bb, gamm,
> Rgun, Ggun, Bgun),
> data = ddsub,
> start = list(Blev = B[2], Br = B[3], Bg = B[4] , Bb = B[5],
> gamm = B[1])
> )
> summary(dd.nls.d4)
> Formula: Lum ~ dd.der3(Blev, Br, Bg, Bb, gamm, Rgun, Ggun, Bgun)
> Parameters:
> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
> Blev -0.06552 0.04766 -1.375 0.176
> Br 16.74186 0.13245 126.402 <2e-16 ***
> Bg 50.51605 0.14802 341.281 <2e-16 ***
> Bb 8.12063 0.13452 60.368 <2e-16 ***
> gamm 2.51187 0.01561 160.916 <2e-16 ***
> confint(dd.nls.d4)
> Waiting for profiling to be done...
> 2.5% 97.5%
> Blev -0.1612492 0.02988387
> Br 16.4752317 17.00843251
> Bg 50.2193167 50.81325840
> Bb 7.8496610 8.39135292
> gamm 2.4811018 2.54296647
> ms.curv(dd.nls.d4)
> Parameter effects: c^theta x sqrt(F) = 0.0123
> Intrinsic: c^iota x sqrt(F) = 0.0068
> Here is the data.frame after the new columns have been added,
> Lum GL Gun Rgun Ggun Bgun
> 0.15 0 rouge 0 0 0
> 0.07 0.0588 rouge 0.0588 0 0
> 0.1 0.1216 rouge 0.1216 0 0
> 0.19 0.1843 rouge 0.1843 0 0
> 0.4 0.2471 rouge 0.2471 0 0
> 0.73 0.3098 rouge 0.3098 0 0
> 1.2 0.3725 rouge 0.3725 0 0
> 1.85 0.4353 rouge 0.4353 0 0
> 2.91 0.498 rouge 0.498 0 0
> 3.74 0.5608 rouge 0.5608 0 0
> 5.08 0.6235 rouge 0.6235 0 0
> 6.43 0.6863 rouge 0.6863 0 0
> 8.06 0.749 rouge 0.749 0 0
> 9.84 0.8118 rouge 0.8118 0 0
> 12 0.8745 rouge 0.8745 0 0
> 14.2 0.9373 rouge 0.9373 0 0
> 16.6 1 rouge 1 0 0
> 0.1 0 vert 0 0 0
> 0.1 0.0588 vert 0 0.0588 0
> 0.17 0.1216 vert 0 0.1216 0
> 0.46 0.1843 vert 0 0.1843 0
> 1.08 0.2471 vert 0 0.2471 0
> 2.22 0.3098 vert 0 0.3098 0
> 3.74 0.3725 vert 0 0.3725 0
> 5.79 0.4353 vert 0 0.4353 0
> 8.36 0.498 vert 0 0.498 0
> 11.6 0.5608 vert 0 0.5608 0
> 15.4 0.6235 vert 0 0.6235 0
> 19.9 0.6863 vert 0 0.6863 0
> 24.6 0.749 vert 0 0.749 0
> 30.4 0.8118 vert 0 0.8118 0
> 36.1 0.8745 vert 0 0.8745 0
> 43 0.9373 vert 0 0.9373 0
> 49.9 1 vert 0 1 0
> 0.06 0 bleu 0 0 0
> 0.06 0.0588 bleu 0 0 0.0588
> 0.08 0.1216 bleu 0 0 0.1216
> 0.13 0.1843 bleu 0 0 0.1843
> 0.25 0.2471 bleu 0 0 0.2471
> 0.43 0.3098 bleu 0 0 0.3098
> 0.66 0.3725 bleu 0 0 0.3725
> 1.02 0.4353 bleu 0 0 0.4353
> 1.46 0.498 bleu 0 0 0.498
> 1.93 0.5608 bleu 0 0 0.5608
> 2.49 0.6235 bleu 0 0 0.6235
> 3.2 0.6863 bleu 0 0 0.6863
> 3.96 0.749 bleu 0 0 0.749
> 4.9 0.8118 bleu 0 0 0.8118
> 5.68 0.8745 bleu 0 0 0.8745
> 6.71 0.9373 bleu 0 0 0.9373
> 7.93 1 bleu 0 0 1
> I still do not know why confint does not work for me on this problem
> without the derivatives and it does for Gabor. I'm on a Mac Pro and
> he may not be. If anyone else on a Mac has this problem, it would
> be useful to know.
> Thanks.
> ken
> Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>> I mixed up examples. Here it is again. As with the last one
>> confint(dd.plin) gives an error (which I assume is a problem with
>> confint that needs to be fixed) but other than that it works without
>> issuing errors and I assume you don't need the confint(dd.plin)
>> in any case since dd.plin is just being used to get starting values.
>>> gg <- model.matrix(~ Gun/GL - Gun, dd)
>>> dd.plin <- nls(Lum ~ gg^gamm, dd, start = list(gamm = 2.4),
>> + alg = "plinear"
>> + )
>>> confint(dd.plin)
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : (subscript) logical subscript too
>> long
>>> B <- as.vector(coef(dd.plin))
>>> st <-list(Blev = B[2], beta = B[3:5], gamm = B[1])
>>> dd.nls <- nls(Lum ~ Blev + beta[Gun] * GL^gamm,
>> + data = dd, start = st
>> + )
>>> confint(dd.nls)
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>> 2.5% 97.5%
>> Blev -1.612492e-01 2.988387e-02
>> beta1 6.108282e-06 8.762679e-06
>> beta2 1.269000e-05 1.792914e-05
>> beta3 3.844042e-05 5.388546e-05
>> gamm 2.481102e+00 2.542966e+00
>>> dd.deriv2 <- function (Blev, beta, gamm, GL)
>> + {
>> + .expr1 <- GL^gamm
>> + .value <- Blev + rep(beta, each = 17) * .expr1
>> + .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 5), list(NULL, c("Blev",
>> + "beta.rouge", "beta.vert", "beta.bleu", "gamm")))
>> + .grad[, "Blev"] <- 1
>> + .grad[1:17, "beta.rouge"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>> + .grad[18:34, "beta.vert"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>> + .grad[35:51, "beta.bleu"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>> + .grad[, "gamm"] <- ifelse(GL == 0, 0, rep(beta, each = 17) *
>> (.expr1
>> *
>> + log(GL)))
>> + attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
>> + .value
>> + }
>>> dd.nls.d2 <- nls(Lum ~ dd.deriv2(Blev, beta, gamm, GL), data = dd,
>> + start = list(Blev = B[2], beta = B[3:5], gamm =
>> B[1]))
>>> confint(dd.nls.d2)
>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>> 2.5% 97.5%
>> Blev -1.612492e-01 2.988391e-02
>> beta1 1.269000e-05 1.792914e-05
>> beta2 3.844041e-05 5.388546e-05
>> beta3 6.108281e-06 8.762678e-06
>> gamm 2.481102e+00 2.542966e+00
>>> R.version.string # XP
>> [1] "R version 2.4.0 Patched (2006-10-24 r39722)"
>> On 11/18/06, Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendieck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This works for me in terms of giving results without error messages
>>> except for the confint(dd.plin) which I assume you don't really need
>>> anyways.
>>> > gg <- model.matrix(~ Gun/GL - Gun, dd)
>>> > dd.plin <- nls(Lum ~ gg^gamm, dd, start = list(gamm = 2.4),
>>> + alg = "plinear"
>>> + )
>>> > confint(dd.plin)
>>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : (subscript) logical subscript too
>>> long
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > B <- as.vector(coef(dd.nls0))
>>> > st <-list(Blev = B[2], beta = B[3:5], gamm = B[1])
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > dd.nls <- nls(Lum ~ Blev + beta[Gun] * GL^gamm,
>>> + data = dd, start = st
>>> + )
>>> >
>>> > confint(dd.nls)
>>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>> 2.5% 97.5%
>>> Blev -1.612492e-01 2.988386e-02
>>> beta1 6.108282e-06 8.762679e-06
>>> beta2 1.269000e-05 1.792914e-05
>>> beta3 3.844042e-05 5.388546e-05
>>> gamm 2.481102e+00 2.542966e+00
>>> >
>>> > dd.deriv2 <- function (Blev, beta, gamm, GL)
>>> + {
>>> + .expr1 <- GL^gamm
>>> + .value <- Blev + rep(beta, each = 17) * .expr1
>>> + .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 5), list(NULL, c("Blev",
>>> + "beta.rouge", "beta.vert", "beta.bleu", "gamm")))
>>> + .grad[, "Blev"] <- 1
>>> + .grad[1:17, "beta.rouge"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> + .grad[18:34, "beta.vert"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> + .grad[35:51, "beta.bleu"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> + .grad[, "gamm"] <- ifelse(GL == 0, 0, rep(beta, each = 17) *
>>> (.expr1 *
>>> + log(GL)))
>>> + attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
>>> + .value
>>> + }
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > dd.nls.d2 <- nls(Lum ~ dd.deriv2(Blev, beta, gamm, GL), data = dd,
>>> + start = list(Blev = B[2], beta = B[3:5], gamm
>>> =
>>> B[1]))
>>> >
>>> > confint(dd.nls.d2)
>>> Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>> 2.5% 97.5%
>>> Blev -1.612492e-01 2.988391e-02
>>> beta1 1.269000e-05 1.792914e-05
>>> beta2 3.844041e-05 5.388546e-05
>>> beta3 6.108281e-06 8.762678e-06
>>> gamm 2.481102e+00 2.542966e+00
>>> >
>>> > R.version.string # XP
>>> [1] "R version 2.4.0 Patched (2006-10-24 r39722)"
>>> >
>>> On 11/18/06, Ken Knoblauch <knoblauch at lyon.inserm.fr> wrote:
>>> > Thank you for your rapid response.
>>> >
>>> > This is reproducible on my system. Here it is again, with, I hope,
>>> > sufficient detail to properly document what does not work and what
>>> > does on my system,
>>> >
>>> > But my original question, properly motivated or not, concerns whether
>>> > there is a way to use or adapt deriv() to work if a term is indexed,
>>> > as here my term beta is indexed by Gun?
>>> >
>>> > In any case, it is puzzling that the error is not reproducible and so
>>> > I would be curious to track that down, if it is specific to my
>>> system.
>>> >
>>> > Thank you. Before retrying, I upgraded to the latest patched version
>>> > (details at the end).
>>> >
>>> > ####The data, again
>>> > dd
>>> > Lum GL Gun mBl
>>> > 0.15 0 rouge 0.09
>>> > 0.07 15 rouge 0.01
>>> > 0.1 31 rouge 0.04
>>> > 0.19 47 rouge 0.13
>>> > 0.4 63 rouge 0.34
>>> > 0.73 79 rouge 0.67
>>> > 1.2 95 rouge 1.14
>>> > 1.85 111 rouge 1.79
>>> > 2.91 127 rouge 2.85
>>> > 3.74 143 rouge 3.68
>>> > 5.08 159 rouge 5.02
>>> > 6.43 175 rouge 6.37
>>> > 8.06 191 rouge 8
>>> > 9.84 207 rouge 9.78
>>> > 12 223 rouge 11.94
>>> > 14.2 239 rouge 14.14
>>> > 16.6 255 rouge 16.54
>>> > 0.1 0 vert 0.04
>>> > 0.1 15 vert 0.04
>>> > 0.17 31 vert 0.11
>>> > 0.46 47 vert 0.4
>>> > 1.08 63 vert 1.02
>>> > 2.22 79 vert 2.16
>>> > 3.74 95 vert 3.68
>>> > 5.79 111 vert 5.73
>>> > 8.36 127 vert 8.3
>>> > 11.6 143 vert 11.54
>>> > 15.4 159 vert 15.34
>>> > 19.9 175 vert 19.84
>>> > 24.6 191 vert 24.54
>>> > 30.4 207 vert 30.34
>>> > 36.1 223 vert 36.04
>>> > 43 239 vert 42.94
>>> > 49.9 255 vert 49.84
>>> > 0.06 0 bleu 0
>>> > 0.06 15 bleu 0
>>> > 0.08 31 bleu 0.02
>>> > 0.13 47 bleu 0.07
>>> > 0.25 63 bleu 0.19
>>> > 0.43 79 bleu 0.37
>>> > 0.66 95 bleu 0.6
>>> > 1.02 111 bleu 0.96
>>> > 1.46 127 bleu 1.4
>>> > 1.93 143 bleu 1.87
>>> > 2.49 159 bleu 2.43
>>> > 3.2 175 bleu 3.14
>>> > 3.96 191 bleu 3.9
>>> > 4.9 207 bleu 4.84
>>> > 5.68 223 bleu 5.62
>>> > 6.71 239 bleu 6.65
>>> > 7.93 255 bleu 7.87
>>> >
>>> > ###For initial values - this time using plinear algorithm insted of
>>> optim
>>> > gg <- model.matrix(~-1 + Gun/GL, dd)[ , c(4:6)]
>>> > dd.plin <- nls(Lum ~ cbind(rep(1, 51), gg^gamm), data = dd,
>>> > start = list(gamm = 2.4),
>>> > alg = "plinear"
>>> > )
>>> > B <- as.vector(coef(dd.plin))
>>> > st <-list(Blev = B[2], beta = B[3:5], gamm = B[1])
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > dd.nls <- nls(Lum ~ Blev + beta[Gun] * GL^gamm,
>>> > data = dd, start = st
>>> > )
>>> > confint(dd.plin)
>>> >
>>> > Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>> > Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : (subscript) logical subscript
>>> too
>>> long
>>> > ### Here is the error that I observe
>>> > confint(dd.nls)
>>> > Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>> > Error in prof$getProfile() : step factor 0.000488281 reduced below
>>> > 'minFactor' of 0.000976562
>>> >
>>> > dd.deriv2 <- function (Blev, beta, gamm, GL)
>>> > {
>>> > .expr1 <- GL^gamm
>>> > .value <- Blev + rep(beta, each = 17) * .expr1
>>> > .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 5), list(NULL, c("Blev",
>>> > "beta.rouge", "beta.vert", "beta.bleu", "gamm")))
>>> > .grad[, "Blev"] <- 1
>>> > .grad[1:17, "beta.rouge"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> > .grad[18:34, "beta.vert"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> > .grad[35:51, "beta.bleu"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> > .grad[, "gamm"] <- ifelse(GL == 0, 0, rep(beta, each = 17) *
>>> (.expr1 *
>>> > log(GL)))
>>> > attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
>>> > .value
>>> > }
>>> >
>>> > dd.nls.d2 <- nls(Lum ~ dd.deriv2(Blev, beta, gamm, GL), subset(dd,
>>> Gun
>>> !=
>>> > "gris"),
>>> > start = list(Blev = B[2], beta = B[3:5], gamm
>>> =
>>> B[1]))
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > #####But not here
>>> > confint(dd.nls.d2)
>>> > Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>> > 2.5% 97.5%
>>> > Blev -1.612492e-01 2.988387e-02
>>> > beta1 1.269000e-05 1.792914e-05
>>> > beta2 3.844042e-05 5.388546e-05
>>> > beta3 6.108282e-06 8.762679e-06
>>> > gamm 2.481102e+00 2.542966e+00
>>> >
>>> > R version 2.4.0 Patched (2006-11-16 r39921)
>>> > i386-apple-darwin8.8.1
>>> >
>>> > locale:
>>> > C
>>> >
>>> > attached base packages:
>>> > [1] "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
>>> > [6] "methods" "base"
>>> >
>>> > other attached packages:
>>> > MASS lattice
>>> > "7.2-29" "0.14-13"
>>> >
>>> > best,
>>> >
>>> > ken
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>> > > Please provide reproducible code which shows the error.
>>> > >
>>> > >>
>>> > >> st <- list(Blev = -0.06551802, beta = c(1.509686e-05, 4.55525e-05,
>>> > > + 7.32272e-06), gamm = 2.51187)
>>> > >>
>>> > >> dd.nls <- nls(Lum ~ Blev + beta[Gun] * GL^gamm,
>>> > > + data = dd, start = st)
>>> > >>
>>> > >> confint(dd.nls)
>>> > > Waiting for profiling to be done...
>>> > > 2.5% 97.5%
>>> > > Blev -1.612492e-01 2.988388e-02
>>> > > beta1 6.108282e-06 8.762679e-06
>>> > > beta2 1.269000e-05 1.792914e-05
>>> > > beta3 3.844042e-05 5.388546e-05
>>> > > gamm 2.481102e+00 2.542966e+00
>>> > >> R.version.string
>>> > > [1] "R version 2.4.0 Patched (2006-10-24 r39722)"
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > On 11/17/06, Ken Knoblauch <knoblauch at lyon.inserm.fr> wrote:
>>> > >> Hi,
>>> > >>
>>> > >> I'm fitting a standard nonlinear model to the luminances measured
>>> > >> from the red, green and blue guns of a TV display, using nls.
>>> > >>
>>> > >> The call is:
>>> > >>
>>> > >> dd.nls <- nls(Lum ~ Blev + beta[Gun] * GL^gamm,
>>> > >> data = dd, start = st)
>>> > >> where st was initally estimated using optim()
>>> > >>
>>> > >> st
>>> > >> $Blev
>>> > >> [1] -0.06551802
>>> > >>
>>> > >> $beta
>>> > >> [1] 1.509686e-05 4.555250e-05 7.322720e-06
>>> > >>
>>> > >> $gamm
>>> > >> [1] 2.511870
>>> > >>
>>> > >> This works fine but I received an error message when I tried to
>>> > >> use confint(). I thought that getting derivatives with deriv
>>> might
>>> > >> help but found that deriv does not automatically handle the
>>> > >> indexing of the beta parameter. I modified the output of deriv
>>> > >> from the case when the term beta is not indexed to give:
>>> > >>
>>> > >> dd.deriv2 <- function (Blev, beta, gamm, GL)
>>> > >> {
>>> > >> .expr1 <- GL^gamm
>>> > >> .value <- Blev + rep(beta, each = 17) * .expr1
>>> > >> .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 5), list(NULL, c("Blev",
>>> > >> "beta.rouge", "beta.vert", "beta.bleu", "gamm" )))
>>> > >> .grad[, "Blev"] <- 1
>>> > >> .grad[1:17, "beta.rouge"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> > >> .grad[18:34, "beta.vert"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> > >> .grad[35:51, "beta.bleu"] <- .expr1[1:17]
>>> > >> .grad[, "gamm"] <- ifelse(GL == 0, 0, rep(beta, each = 17) *
>>> (.expr1
>>> > >> *
>>> > >> log(GL)))
>>> > >> attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
>>> > >> .value
>>> > >> }
>>> > >>
>>> > >> which is not general but
>>> > >> now I can get a result from confint. My question: Can deriv()
>>> > >> be made to handle an indexed term more automatically (elegantly)?
>>> > >> I think that this would become more urgent (or require more work
>>> > >> on my part) if I were to want the Hessian, too, for example, in
>>> > >> anticipation of using rms.curv as described in the on-line
>>> > >> complements for MASS.
>>> > >>
>>> > >> The plinear algorithm can be used for this model (it is similar in
>>> some
>>> > >> respects to the example given on p 218 of MASS, but the intercept
>>> > >> terms are indexed instead, there).
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Thanks for any suggestions.
>>> > >>
>>> > >> best,
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Ken
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >> --
>>> > >> Ken Knoblauch
>>> > >> Inserm U371
>>> > >> Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau
>>> > >> Département Neurosciences Intégratives
>>> > >> 18 avenue du Doyen Lépine
>>> > >> 69500 Bron
>>> > >> France
>>> > >> tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77
>>> > >> fax: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 61
>>> > >> portable: +33 (0)6 84 10 64 10
>>> > >> http://www.lyon.inserm.fr/371/
>>> > >>
>>> > >> ______________________________________________
>>> > >> R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
>>> > >> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help
>>> > >> PLEASE do read the posting guide
>>> > >> http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
>>> > >> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
>>> > >>
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Ken Knoblauch
>>> > Inserm U371
>>> > Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau
>>> > Département Neurosciences Intégratives
>>> > 18 avenue du Doyen Lépine
>>> > 69500 Bron
>>> > France
>>> > tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77
>>> > fax: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 61
>>> > portable: +33 (0)6 84 10 64 10
>>> > http://www.lyon.inserm.fr/371/
>>> >
>>> >
> --
> Ken Knoblauch
> Inserm U371
> Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau
> Département Neurosciences Intégratives
> 18 avenue du Doyen Lépine
> 69500 Bron
> France
> tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77
> fax: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 61
> portable: +33 (0)6 84 10 64 10
> http://www.lyon.inserm.fr/371/
Ken Knoblauch
Inserm U371
Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau
Département Neurosciences Intégratives
18 avenue du Doyen Lépine
69500 Bron
tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77
fax: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 61
portable: +33 (0)6 84 10 64 10
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