[R] lme4 package: Fitted values and residuals

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Nov 17 23:15:55 CET 2006

>>>>> "Joel" == Joel Dubin <jdubin at uwaterloo.ca>
>>>>>     on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 16:19:16 -0500 writes:

    Joel> Hello, Indeed, implementing the fitted and resid calls
    Joel> on the fm1 object from example(lmer), the fitted
    Joel> function worked, but the resid did not:

    >> resid(fm1)
    Joel> Error in resid(fm1) : no slot of name "family" for
    Joel> this object of class "lmer"

    Joel> I am using R 2.4.0 (on Windows XP), with the update of
    Joel> lme4 (lmer within) written for 2.4.0.

I think you should update lme4 [ update.packages(.....) ],
since the above looks suspiciously like a bug that had been
fixed not so long ago.

IIRC, the posting guide asks you to provide  sessionInfo() 
in such situations.


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