[R] Fitting a survival curve

Richard Pitman richard.pitman3 at btopenworld.com
Sat Nov 11 22:40:21 CET 2006

I am new to R and am trying to fit a survival curve with a weibull
hazard function to a set of data giving the probability of survival to
age x, given the year of birth, in the form:

Probability of survival:
			Birth year
		1980	1981	...	2003
	.2	0.90	0.89	...	0.87
	1	0.80	0.81	...	0.79
age	2	0.75	0.74	...	0.73
	3	0.70	0.69	...	0.68
	5	0.50	0.49	...	0.43
	10	0.30	0.31	...	0.26

I would like to be able to fit a curve to each birth cohort, extrapolate
the curve a few years and be able to create a plot of the survival

Am having some trouble with working out how to do this in R and would be
most grateful for a few pointers.

Many thanks for any help


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