[R] query in R

Mark Wardle mark at wardle.org
Thu Nov 9 13:35:42 CET 2006

Xiaodong Jin wrote:
> I just need to query ordinary 3-column excel data e.g.
> V1 V2 V3
> I1 C1 1
> I1 C1 1
> ... << DATA snipped >>

Hi. It is better to keep discussion on list, rather than emailing

You need to read


RODBC allows you to run arbitrary queries against Excel spreadsheets. I
don't use Excel (well, try not to), so I can't vouch for it, but it
should work.

Best wishes,


Dr. Mark Wardle
Clinical research fellow and Specialist Registrar in Neurology,
C2-B2 link, Cardiff University, Heath Park, CARDIFF, CF14 4XN. UK

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