[R] Simple question about Lists

Wee-Jin Goh wjgoh at brookes.ac.uk
Thu Nov 2 11:53:44 CET 2006


I know this must be a very simple problem, but I can't work it out  
from the documentation that is available. I've got a list of data I  
would like to plot (the weights of a single neuron that was trained  
using the neural package). The problem I'm encountering is that this  
set of weights, are in the form of a list.

 > network$weigth[1]
[1,] -0.04687623
[2,] -0.54087443
[3,] -1.68130221
[4,] -0.82295266
[5,]  1.60848361
[6,]  1.55903277
[7,]  0.29005900
[8,]  1.24387657
[9,] -0.05129092
[10,] -1.22469042
[11,] -2.64470326
[12,]  0.10517494
[13,]  1.87561741
[14,]  1.93962447
[15,]  0.99212323
[16,]  0.46430803
[17,] -0.31660246
[18,] -0.81997588
[19,]  0.22277782
[20,]  0.97456769
[21,]  0.46083111
[22,]  1.46876956
[23,] -0.19702465
[24,] -0.34898054
[25,]  1.22504724

Now, I've tried as.vector to convert it to a vector for plotting.  
Doesn't work. Tried as.matrix, that too doesn't work. I've tried  
accessing individual elements, but that doesn't work as network$weigth 
[1] returns what seems to me is a matrix but it doens't act like a  

Any help would be much obliged.


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