[R] xyplot: Plotting two variables, one as points - the other as line. Can that be done without explicitly using panel functions

Søren Højsgaard Soren.Hojsgaard at agrsci.dk
Wed Nov 1 18:05:34 CET 2006

Hi! Consider
d <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=5+1:10, yf=rnorm(10,5+1:10)) 
    x  y        yf
1   1  6  5.268621
2   2  7  8.623896
3   3  8  8.114830
4   4  9 10.125955
5   5 10  9.977261
I plot y and yf against x with 

BUT - I would like that the plot of y against x is with type='l' and the plot of yf against x is with type='p'. 
1) Can this be done easily (i.e. without panel functions)? (Doing
is not the way ahead) 
2) How to do it with panel functions?
Thanks in advance

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