[R] Unreadable labels

Maciej Bliziński m.blizinski at wit.edu.pl
Sun May 21 14:48:13 CEST 2006

Playing around with examples from MASS4, I found a font problem in the
mosaicplot in R-2.3.0. It doesn't happen in other plots. Running this
example from MASS4, page 326...

caith1 <- as.matrix(caith)
names(dimnames(caith1)) <- c("eyes", "hair")
mosaicplot(caith1, color = TRUE)

...I get an image as attached. The column and row labels are unreadable.
It is true for both x11() and png() devices.

I can adjust the font sizes with the "cex.axis" argument and get a
readable labels if the parameter is correct (0.8 works here), but the
general problem it's not really the font sizes. There are small versions
of the screen fonts that _are_ readable. I believe I should be able to
get small, but readable labels. It's not possible to specify a font,
because mosaicplot doesn't accept the "font.axis" parameter.

Looking at the demo(graphics), I can also recognize some unreadable
labels. Do you think it's only the matter of the X-Window system?
Installed fonts? Any hints appreciated.


Maciej Bliziński <m.blizinski at wit.edu.pl>
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