[R] 2.3.0 problems
Christian Hoffmann
christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch
Tue May 9 09:15:53 CEST 2006
Since the installation of R-2.3.0 I have the following problems:
1. Startup
.First() produces
Started in /home/woodstock/hoffmann/Projects/RtoZ/Windwurf/R with
'~/R/.Rprofile' edited on 2006-04-28, 11:08
During startup - Warning messages:
1: use of NULL environment is deprecated
2: use of NULL environment is deprecated
3: use of NULL environment is deprecated
4: use of NULL environment is deprecated
5: use of NULL environment is deprecated
6: use of NULL environment is deprecated
7: use of NULL environment is deprecated
8: use of NULL environment is deprecated
What is NULL environment?
3. My files:
> .First
function() {
editedOn <- "2006-04-28, 11:08"
pk <- .packages(all = TRUE)
su <- substr(pk,1,3)
pk1 <- pk[(su=="cwh") & (!is.na(su))]
for (ii in pk1[pk1!="cwhmisc" & (sapply(pk1,function(x) !(" " %in%
unlist(strsplit(x,NULL)))))]) # to avoid concatenation of names
pk <- utils::installed.packages()
for (ii in pk[!is.na(pk[,"Priority"]) & (pk[,"Priority"] %in%
c("base","recommended")),1]) library(ii,character.only=TRUE)
grDevices::x11(display = "", width = 9, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
gamma = 1, colortype = getOption("X11colortype"), maxcubesize = 256)
cat(paste("Started in",system("pwd",TRUE)," with '~/R/.Rprofile'
edited on ", editedOn,"\n"))
Dr. Christian W. Hoffmann,
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Mathematics + Statistical Computing
Zuercherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Tel +41-44-7392-277 (office) -111(exchange)
Fax +41-44-7392-215 (fax)
christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch
International Conference 5.-7.6.2006 Ekaterinburg Russia
"Climate changes and their impact on boreal and temperate forests"
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