[R] comparing 2 odds ratios

David Meyer david.meyer at wu-wien.ac.at
Tue Jun 27 23:04:04 CEST 2006


you can have a look at fourfold() and oddratio() in package vcd.


Hi there, is there any way to compare 2 odds ratios? I
have two tests that are supposed to detect a disease
presence. So for each test, I can compute an odds
ratio. My problem is how can I compare the 2 tests by
testing whether the 2 odds ratios are the same?

Dr. David Meyer
Department of Information Systems and Operations

Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Wien, Austria, Europe
Tel: +43-1-313 36 4393
Fax: +43-1-313 36 90 4393 
HP:  http://wi.wu-wien.ac.at/~meyer/

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