[R] Standard Deviation Distribution

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Sun Jun 18 10:14:44 CEST 2006

davidr at rhotrading.com wrote:
> I'm having trouble with the standard deviation distribution
> as shown on http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StandardDeviationDistribution.html .
> (Eric Weisstein references Kenney and Keeping 1951, which I can't check.)
> I believe the graphs they show, but when I code the function in R, according to the listed formula,
> I get very different graphs.
> Would someone please point out my error or tell me where it's already implemented in R?
> Here is my version:
>> sddist
> function(s,n) {
> sig2 <- n*s*s/(n-1)
> 2*(n/(2*sig2))^((n-1)/2) / gamma((n-1)/2) * exp(-n*s*s/(2*sig2)) * s^(n-2)
> }
Your initial factor looks a lot different from theirs.  I think you 
believed your variable name (i.e. sig2 is sigma^2), but didn't
define it that way.

Duncan Murdoch
> Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) on Windows XP SP2
> Thanks for any help.
> David L. Reiner
> Rho Trading Securities, LLC
> Chicago  IL  60605
> 312-362-4963
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