[R] Yahoo data download problem

Petr Pikal petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Fri Jun 16 12:10:53 CEST 2006


On 16 Jun 2006 at 8:52, SUMANTA BASAK wrote:

Date sent:      	Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:52:22 +0100 (BST)
From:           	SUMANTA BASAK <r_econometrics at yahoo.co.in>
To:             	R HELP <r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>,
	r-sig-finance-request at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject:        	[R] Yahoo data download problem

> Hi all R-Experts,
> I'm facing one problem in yahoo data downloading. I'm suing Windows
> XP, R 2.2.0, and i'm using yahoo.get.hist.quote function to download
> data. I need 500 companies of S&P index daily 'closing price' data for
> last ten years. My questions are:
> 1) I have all the ticker names of S&P 500 companies in a .csv format.
> I'm reading those names in R and they are coming as data.frame object.
> How can i change this to a vector?


 [1] "g" "b" "p" "u" "r" "q" "j" "h" "o" "k"


> 2) How can i get all companies data downloaded using a simple "for"
> loop?
> I'm using the following function for a single stock data.
> library(gdata)
> s<-yahoo.get.hist.quote(instrument = "mo", destfile = paste("mo",
> ".csv", sep = ""), start="1996-01-01",
>                      end="2006-06-16", quote = c("Close"), adjusted =
>                      TRUE, download = TRUE, origin = "1970-01-01",
>                      compression = "d")
> Thanks,
> Sumanta Basak.
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Petr Pikal
petr.pikal at precheza.cz

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