[R] Problem with mle
Ben Bolker
bolker at ufl.edu
Fri Jun 2 19:42:21 CEST 2006
Rainer M KRug <RMK <at> krugs.de> writes:
> R 2.3.0
> Linux, SuSE 10.0
> Hi
> I have two problems with mle - probably I am using it the wrong way so
> please let me know.
> I want to fit different distributions to an observed count of seeds and
> in the next step use AIC or BIC to identify the best distribution.
SumSeeds <- c(762, 406, 288, 260, 153, 116, 57, 33, 40, 44, 36,
24, 35, 23, 36, 25, 35, 30)
X <- c(1.74924, 3.49848, 5.24772, 6.99696, 8.74620, 17.49240, 26.23860,
34.98480, 43.73100, 52.47720, 61.22340, 69.96960, 71.71880, 73.46810,
75.21730, 76.96650, 78.71580, 80.46500 )
## exponential function (a*exp(-rate*X)) makes more sense
## than using dexp, which is normalized to 1 (thus makes
## it harder to interpret a as an intercept -- I don't
## know what X is? (You could easily reverse this decision
## though.)
negexplik <- function(a=7000,rate=0.1) {
## start from eyeball-estimated parameters
m1 = mle(minuslogl=negexplik,start=list(a=7000,rate=0.1))
## add estimated curve
## conclusion so far: the exponential fit is really bad, because
## the numbers don't fall to zero as fast as expected
## changed parameterization of Weibull slightly to agree with
## the parameterization of the exponential above
weiblik <- function(a=7000,shape=1,rate=0.1) {
weiblik(a=7222,shape=1,rate=0.05) ## check
## start from exponential a/rate estimates, plus shape=1 which reduces
## to exponential
m2 = mle(minuslogl=weiblik,start=list(a=7222,rate=0.05,shape=1))
## insanely significant
I still had some problems profiling. Various things that may help:
(1) set parscale= option
(2) do fits on the log-parameters (which all have to be positive) OR
(3) use L-BFGS-B and set lower=0
(4) summary(m1) will give you approximate (Fisher information) confidence
limits even if profiling doesn't work.
Ben Bolker
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