[R] Some non-fatal startup issues
Michael Kubovy
kubovy at virginia.edu
Thu Jun 1 07:19:14 CEST 2006
Dear r-helpers,
I'm running Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24) under OS X 10.4.6.
(1) When I start R from the terminal, it has no complaints.
(2) When I start R.app using R for Mac OS X Aqua GUI version 1.15
(3106) I get (I have increased the quote level of what is different
from the output of the terminal):
Loading required package: grDevices
Loading required package: mvtnorm
> 2006-06-01 01:06:58.007 R[28814] CFLog (21): Error loading /Users/
> mk/Library/Application Enhancers/FruitMenu.ape/Contents/MacOS/
> FruitMenu: error code 4, error number 0 (Symbol not found: ___eprintf
> Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/
> Versions/A/QuickTime
> Expected in: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib/libstdc
> ++.6.dylib
> )
The following object(s) are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv :
The following object(s) are masked from package:grid :
grid.xaxis grid.yaxis
> 2006-06-01 01:07:07.801 R[28814] CFLog (21): Error loading /System/
> Library/ScriptingAdditions/StandardAdditions.osax/Contents/MacOS/
> StandardAdditions: error code 4, error number 0 (Symbol not found:
> ___eprintf
> Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/
> AppleShareClientCore.framework/Versions/A/AppleShareClientCore
> Expected in: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib/libstdc
> ++.6.dylib
> )
(3) When I start with the most recent JGR (1.4-2 is what ?JGR tells
me), I get (here too I increased the quote level of what's different):
grid.xaxis grid.yaxis
> Error in switch(.Platform$OS.type, windows = { :
> could not find function "localeToCharset"
Thought on what I may have done wrong?
Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology
USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400
Parcels: Room 102 Gilmer Hall
McCormick Road Charlottesville, VA 22903
Office: B011 +1-434-982-4729
Lab: B019 +1-434-982-4751
Fax: +1-434-982-4766
WWW: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~mk9y/
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