[R] linear lists, insertion, deletion, traversal

Christian Hoffmann christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch
Mon Feb 20 14:19:52 CET 2006


Linear lists, as described e.g. by N.Wirth in "Algorithms and Data 
Structures", seem not to be implemented in S/R, and this with some good 
reason, I think.

Nevertheless I want to implement an algorithm using such linear lists. 
Does anybody have experience in this? I could not find any reference in 
R resources, also the Blue Book is mute here.

Thank you
Dr. Christian W. Hoffmann,
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Mathematics + Statistical Computing
Zuercherstrasse 111
CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland

Tel +41-44-7392-277  (office)   -111(exchange)
Fax +41-44-7392-215  (fax)
christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch

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