[R] Discriminant analysis to select best treatment

Felipe Martínez-Pastor Felipe.Martinez at uclm.es
Sun Feb 12 19:10:14 CET 2006

I am designing an experiment to trial several analytic techniques on
samples submitted to different treatments. It has occurred to me that I
may use discriminant analysis to find out which kind of analysis best
reveals differences between treatments.

I have found the lda {MASS} in R. However, I am not sure if it is
adequate to my case, since it performs linear discriminant analysis but
--apparently-- not variable selection. In SAS I would use the STEPDISC
procedure, whose description is:
"uses forward selection, backward elimination, or stepwise selection to
try to find a subset of quantitative variables that best reveals
differences among the classes."

I wonder if I could use lda or other function in that way. Maybe you
could point me to any resource (I am really new in discriminant analysis).

Thank you.

Felipe Martínez Pastor, Ph. D.
Ciencia y Tecnología Agroforestal
Av. España s/n
02071-Albacete (Spain)
Phone: +34 967 599 200+2581
Fax:   +34 967 599 238+2081
Mobile: +34 687 365 362
e-mail: Felipe.Martinez at uclm.es
Jabber: felipe.martinez at jabberes.org

Ningún investigador sin contrato.
Employment rights for Spanish junior researchers.

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