[R] Tranferring R results to word prosessors

Philippe Grosjean phgrosjean at sciviews.org
Thu Feb 9 16:32:48 CET 2006

I have added several convenient methods for sending data directly from R 
to Microsoft Word (report() function) in the svViews package (SciViews 
bundle). However, I still have to upload it to CRAN. I do it right now. 
It should be available in a couple of days.

Philippe Grosjean

Romain Francois wrote:
> Le 09.02.2006 15:41, Tom Backer Johnsen a écrit :
>>I have just started looking at R, and are getting more and more irritated 
>>at myself for not having done that before.
>>However, one of the things I have not found in the documentation is some 
>>way of preparing output from R for convenient formatting into something 
>>like MS Word.  An example:  If you use summary(lm(....)) you get nice 
>>output.  However, if you try to paste that output into the word processor, 
>>all the text elements are separated by blanks, and that is not optimal for 
>>the creation of a table (in the word processing sense).
>>Is there an option to generate tab-separated output in R ? That would solve 
>>the problem.
> Hi ,
> One way could be to output in html format from R (with the R2HTML 
> package) and then read back the html from your word processor
> Romain

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